Renovated newly built 3 family with private driveway
Located on Pulaski Street off Tompkins Avenue in Bedford Stuyvesant, within walking distance to subway and the Herbert Von King (aka Tompkins) Park. This newly built 19/52 Brick & cinder block legal 3 family building has an additional basement, a private driveway, and a nice backyard. The Garden apartment has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, and the 2 upper floor apartments have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms each. Each unit has its own separate heat/ac, hot water, and electric & gas meters. The house is fully renovated & occupied with great tenants, total income is $8,200 a month.
Lot size: 19/100
Building size: 19/52
Legal 3 family building
Asking: $1,489,000
SOLD in 2020
We have a few similar renovated & occupied 3 family buildings:
Granite St off Bushwick Ave, $8,000 income, asking $1.675M
Roosevelt Pl off Atlantic Ave, $7,850 income, asking $1.689M
Herkimer St off Rockaway Ave, $7,550 income, asking $1.675M
Buffalo Ave off Dean St, $7,250 income, asking $1.4M