Brand New Detached & Affordable 2 family, walk to subway & the beach
Located on Beach 72nd Street in Far Rockaway Queens, within walking distance to subway, the newly renovated boardwalk, and the beach. For Brooklynites, the neighborhood can be reached through Flatbush Ave or Cross Bay Blvd (Southern part of Woodhaven Blvd), and there is also an easy access through Rockaway Blvd (going to Costco) that has no toll bridge to cross. This Brand-New fully detached 2 family home has private parking and a nice backyard. The house is configured with a 3 bedroom/2 full bathroom apartment on each floor, and has an additional HUGE walk-in unfinished basement. Each apartment has its own separate utilities include heat, hot water, laundry (machines included, and electric & gas meters.
Asking: $929,000